27 February 2008

Eating Lizards

I ate curried Iguana yesterday. The guys in the lab caught 3 iguanas last Friday, and Christopher killed 'em on Monday, and cooked 'em before work yesterday and brought it in for lunch. I tried just a small bite, had to spit the bones out (maybe it was a leg?). I guess it tasted like chicken, but chicken doesn't even appeal to me. The curry was great, though.

one more dog to report

...don't know why i keep counting.


So, a patient came into the testing room, and as she sat down, she asked to use the sink, and muttered something about having a cold. Next thing I hear, is the woman blowing snot rockets into my sink! That's the first time that's ever happened. And, she was sitting right next to a box of kleenex.

Making up for lost sick time

I have been sick for a few weeks. Been catching everything that comes through the clinic. Haven't had to take a sick day for years!

05 February 2008


It's Carnival Tuesday, and I am stuck in my house with "bad tummy." I am watching the parade on the TV.
Yesterday I went out and "jumped up" (jump in and dance) with some of the bands and had a great time. People were in half of their costumes, as the big day is today. Monday morning started with J'Ouvert. People paint their bodies and welcome in the day. It's the beginning of Carnival and the "bacchanal" that ensues.
I think the pictures will say a lot.