20 May 2008


  • Currently in talks to negotiate a new contract at DRETCHI. I am really hoping to stay, and they have told me they want the same, but I'm waiting for the Personnel committee to meet with me.
  • Apartment hunting...when apartments are un-furnished, they don't even have a refrigerator or stove! Also, if a price isn't listed in the newspaper, I have my Trini friend call to ask for the price so they don't hear my American accent and assume I'm wealthy and raise the price.

Roach in ear

Since I've been here, I've seen some interesting things in people's ears; wooden and pearl beads, pen caps, eraser pieces.
But recently a man--while taking his history--told me that he thought a roach had crawled into his ear while he was in Ft. Lauderdale 3 months prior. I looked in the clear ear first, put my brave face on, and then peered into the "bug" ear. Yep! There it was, all dead and bunched up in the ceiling of his ear canal...you could see the hairs on its legs!! I flushed it so the bug would come out a little further to avoid pulling it apart while it was in the ear. When I finally grabbed it with my alligator forceps, CRUNCH! The man jumped at bit, and I certainly winched inside. GROSS! It was pretty big, too.


Add 5 more since the last tally. And a chicken.