15 December 2008

The Final Countdown

This past weekend was the last in Trinidad. I went to Zen on Saturday to destroy my hearing (it wasn't a planned trip so I didn't have my earplugs) and dance, and yesterday went to Maracas Bay to bathe in the Caribbean Sea and eat Bake and Shark for the last time (for a while at least). As usual, it rained the whole time we were there and the sun came out as we drove away. It's such a lovely drive, through the mountains, and is really a representation of the beauty of the country. I'm so looking forward to coming home that I'm not sad about leaving. One more day!!

05 December 2008

11 More Days

My resignation was not taken well, but was taken nonetheless. I can't wait to leave, and a few people at work have stated that I look so light and happy. It's true. I'm feeling sad to leave the people of this country without anybody to give them audiological care, but other than that...get me outta here!