19 January 2008

Road Kill[s]

I have two more dogs to report...very fresh ones. So that brings my count up to 8 dogs (not bad for about 6 months down here)

Also, yesterday, I saw my first dead body on the road. A man was "bounced down" crossing a busy road. He was hit about 1 1/2 hours before I went by, but he was still there, with a tarp over him. I was really surprised and affected, but everyone here that I talked to about it was surprised that it was the first one I've seen since I've been here. Everyone else has stories about seeing pedestrians actually getting hit.

Nova Comes Back Pictures

Nova Comes Back!

6 students and 2 professors came down for 4 days to help clear out a back-log of people needing hearing aids. We fit about 200 people in 2 1/2 days. It was very nice having some audiological support, and we had a lot of fun. You can see here, we worked all day long!
In a side note, I fit 9 people in my little car!

Facing the Freeze

Went home to New Hampshire for the holidays. It was very cold, gray, and snowy. My hair and my skin did not adapt well, but it was very nice to be home with friends and family.
And to be fair to Trinidad, I saw one dead fox on the road

Hard Wine

So, there's this stuff called "Hard Wine" down here, and it supposedly has some "enhancing" herbs for men (hence, the name). The bottle has a picture of a sexy lady on it (talk about truth in advertising!)

As you can see, it was awful.

Thanksgiving Visitors

My best girls visited for a week at Thanksgiving, and we spent the holiday at the beach, drinking beers and eating Bake and Shark.

We also went to Tobago for a few days where Amber and Ramsey got engaged!