19 January 2008

Road Kill[s]

I have two more dogs to report...very fresh ones. So that brings my count up to 8 dogs (not bad for about 6 months down here)

Also, yesterday, I saw my first dead body on the road. A man was "bounced down" crossing a busy road. He was hit about 1 1/2 hours before I went by, but he was still there, with a tarp over him. I was really surprised and affected, but everyone here that I talked to about it was surprised that it was the first one I've seen since I've been here. Everyone else has stories about seeing pedestrians actually getting hit.

1 comment:

Nikki D said...

I am not sure to say awesome or WTF! I am amazed at the lack of clean up. Dogs are one thing, but people... If it were a deer here it wouldn't have been cold before someone would have had it inthe freezer or on the grill.