16 September 2008


I seriously wanted to discontinue this type of entry because there are too many to count and it's a little morbid, but interesting in any case. This is the worst/best dog entry. There is a huge, stiff dog right down the street from me. It is on a corner, right next to a bar, and it is big! Not a small Pompec [Pomeranian-type fluff-ball], but a Boxer-sized beast. I saw it yesterday, just a glimpse, but made myself look quickly away because I knew I'd think about it all night if I did. Well, despite a millisecond look, I couldn't stop the thoughts. It was completely stiff, if you wanted to stand it up, you could just tilt it back onto it's legs. It's eyes were bulged out, it's tongue hung to the side. It reminded me of Sorrow, the taxidermy dog from Hotel New Hampshire. The child I was with said he was shot in the back (of this, I would not be surprised). This morning, I saw it again as traffic was stopped right there and I was, again, face to face with it. I couldn't eat lunch 6 hours later, thinking of it; I was choking back my food [sorry, reader, if you are eating right now]. If this thing was any closer to my driveway, I would have to call in sick until it was gone. I know this posting is disgusting, but if I didn't share it with somebody, I'd go on obsessing about it and seeing it in my head. Thank you.

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