02 October 2008

Waiting...my favorite pastime

When I go to the bank, I must schedule an hour to be there: About 40 minutes to stand in line, 5 minutes to have the teller tell me they don't do/know how to do the transaction I request, and 10 to 20 minutes completing the transaction I need. Also, everything is written on paper, and stamped like 100 times on both sides of the paper. It's hard not to want to scream at somebody.

Lime Juice

I have a Key Lime tree outside my house and made some kick-ass lime juice yesterday. Also have used them for lots of marinades, and I've been researching some other recipes with the fruit in it.

Contract is almost finalized? HA!

Still working per diem without a finalized contract. I'm not getting my emails answered, either, when inquiring about the status. Whatever.