03 October 2007

A new fruit

A patient gave me this fruit, called Chenet. It is a green pod with a creamy, sweet pulp around the seed. You crack the pod with your teeth and then suck the pulp away from the seed. I was told the juice stains clothing, so I ate it over my sink when I got home.


Unknown said...

Those are awesome! They might be a different version or just a different name, but they look exactly like Canepas. You can get them around south Florida randomly in season, mostly at the Swap Shop (that's where I go to look for them). My family is obsessed if you couldn't tell from the excitement I have from seeing them =) I think they would be the same, south florida and trinidad have a bunch of common plants.

amber said...

I love them! We ate them in Puerto Rico (where they were called Canepas too) and there's a little spanish/carribean store on my street here in Cambridge that sells them in the summer. They're like gobstoppers, you pop them in your mouth and suck on them. But be careful not to swallow the seed, instant way to choke!

Unknown said...

We have these in Jamaica. They're called ginnep (although I have no idea how it's spelled). I also see them around Hialeah from time to time and they don't taste as good.