19 November 2008

I'm ready to leave

It's time for me to move on. In work-related news, I'm still without a contract, and I was told the Personnel Committee chair had until the 24th of October to resolve the matter. I have not heard from him about this. It's kind of a slap in the face.
In Trinidad-related news, yesterday, rains flooded many parts of Trinidad, and there was up to 4 feet of water in some of the main roads. People were stranded everywhere. I luckily left work early, so did not get stuck anywhere, but as soon as the first rain drops fell today, it was a mad rush to get out of the city. It took me about 2 hours to make the usual 1 hour drive, even though I was 2 hours early leaving. The flooding is pretty common, from my experience, but it's been especially bad lately.
I have been out of propane to cook with for a couple of weeks now. Looking at lots of shops to trade in my canister for more. Usually, I just ask if there's any gas, but today a vendor told me that NP (National Petroleum) is on strike, and there's a shortage of cooking gas everywhere, and I'd be hard-pressed to find any. He said it's been 2 weeks that he's been without a delivery. Aargh!
As you can read, I'm becoming rather annoyed with Trinidad, and I figure the contract issue may have been a blessing in disguise.

Things that I'll miss:
Rainbows all the time, Coconut Water (straight from the coconut), great Dancehall on the radio (this is a double-edged sword because the DJs talk all over the music all the time), my wonderful patients, humidity that makes my hair look awesome, the exchange rate of $6TT to $1USD, pumpkin and plantain in a fried bake (AKA Orgasm for Breakfast), beastly cold Carib beer, plentiful national holidays...and I'm sure lots more.

Now, I don't know when I'll leave, but I have an idea. I don't know where I'll go for sure, but it'll either be Florida or New Hampshire (leaning toward Florida at this time).

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