15 December 2008

The Final Countdown

This past weekend was the last in Trinidad. I went to Zen on Saturday to destroy my hearing (it wasn't a planned trip so I didn't have my earplugs) and dance, and yesterday went to Maracas Bay to bathe in the Caribbean Sea and eat Bake and Shark for the last time (for a while at least). As usual, it rained the whole time we were there and the sun came out as we drove away. It's such a lovely drive, through the mountains, and is really a representation of the beauty of the country. I'm so looking forward to coming home that I'm not sad about leaving. One more day!!

05 December 2008

11 More Days

My resignation was not taken well, but was taken nonetheless. I can't wait to leave, and a few people at work have stated that I look so light and happy. It's true. I'm feeling sad to leave the people of this country without anybody to give them audiological care, but other than that...get me outta here!

19 November 2008

I'm ready to leave

It's time for me to move on. In work-related news, I'm still without a contract, and I was told the Personnel Committee chair had until the 24th of October to resolve the matter. I have not heard from him about this. It's kind of a slap in the face.
In Trinidad-related news, yesterday, rains flooded many parts of Trinidad, and there was up to 4 feet of water in some of the main roads. People were stranded everywhere. I luckily left work early, so did not get stuck anywhere, but as soon as the first rain drops fell today, it was a mad rush to get out of the city. It took me about 2 hours to make the usual 1 hour drive, even though I was 2 hours early leaving. The flooding is pretty common, from my experience, but it's been especially bad lately.
I have been out of propane to cook with for a couple of weeks now. Looking at lots of shops to trade in my canister for more. Usually, I just ask if there's any gas, but today a vendor told me that NP (National Petroleum) is on strike, and there's a shortage of cooking gas everywhere, and I'd be hard-pressed to find any. He said it's been 2 weeks that he's been without a delivery. Aargh!
As you can read, I'm becoming rather annoyed with Trinidad, and I figure the contract issue may have been a blessing in disguise.

Things that I'll miss:
Rainbows all the time, Coconut Water (straight from the coconut), great Dancehall on the radio (this is a double-edged sword because the DJs talk all over the music all the time), my wonderful patients, humidity that makes my hair look awesome, the exchange rate of $6TT to $1USD, pumpkin and plantain in a fried bake (AKA Orgasm for Breakfast), beastly cold Carib beer, plentiful national holidays...and I'm sure lots more.

Now, I don't know when I'll leave, but I have an idea. I don't know where I'll go for sure, but it'll either be Florida or New Hampshire (leaning toward Florida at this time).

02 October 2008

Waiting...my favorite pastime

When I go to the bank, I must schedule an hour to be there: About 40 minutes to stand in line, 5 minutes to have the teller tell me they don't do/know how to do the transaction I request, and 10 to 20 minutes completing the transaction I need. Also, everything is written on paper, and stamped like 100 times on both sides of the paper. It's hard not to want to scream at somebody.

Lime Juice

I have a Key Lime tree outside my house and made some kick-ass lime juice yesterday. Also have used them for lots of marinades, and I've been researching some other recipes with the fruit in it.

Contract is almost finalized? HA!

Still working per diem without a finalized contract. I'm not getting my emails answered, either, when inquiring about the status. Whatever.

16 September 2008


I seriously wanted to discontinue this type of entry because there are too many to count and it's a little morbid, but interesting in any case. This is the worst/best dog entry. There is a huge, stiff dog right down the street from me. It is on a corner, right next to a bar, and it is big! Not a small Pompec [Pomeranian-type fluff-ball], but a Boxer-sized beast. I saw it yesterday, just a glimpse, but made myself look quickly away because I knew I'd think about it all night if I did. Well, despite a millisecond look, I couldn't stop the thoughts. It was completely stiff, if you wanted to stand it up, you could just tilt it back onto it's legs. It's eyes were bulged out, it's tongue hung to the side. It reminded me of Sorrow, the taxidermy dog from Hotel New Hampshire. The child I was with said he was shot in the back (of this, I would not be surprised). This morning, I saw it again as traffic was stopped right there and I was, again, face to face with it. I couldn't eat lunch 6 hours later, thinking of it; I was choking back my food [sorry, reader, if you are eating right now]. If this thing was any closer to my driveway, I would have to call in sick until it was gone. I know this posting is disgusting, but if I didn't share it with somebody, I'd go on obsessing about it and seeing it in my head. Thank you.