15 October 2007

If you ever have to travel with an octogenarian in Trinidad...

offer to drive. I allowed the Catholic priest to drive to his neice's house for a quick visit. He wanted to get home before dark, but unfortunately this was not the case...and it was a bit rainy. We made tons of wrong turns, and he told me, after missing another road that leads to the highway, that he'd rather take "Lady Young Road." I knew, from experience, that this road is full of hairpin turns and I was practically dangling off a cliff many times. If a religious experience is what he was shooting for, I certainly converted to some religion as I was praying for my life.


amber said...

What is up with you and the religious dudes lately? Have you gone surfing with a rabbi yet??

Unknown said...

Muslims 1
Catholics 0

Now we know what priests do with young girls

Did you see Jesus etched in the cliffs

Never trust a man who sits in a little dark booth and listens to people's sins

Okay, I'll stop now. I just need to know how many times you cussed in that car?