30 July 2008

Still waiting

I'm on my second week of a "forced" vacation. My work permit expired last week, as well as my contract as a student extern. I have been told that I could work as a volunteer, but I refuse to work without a contract. Of course, personally, I feel awful letting these patients, who have been waiting 6-8 months for an appointment, wait longer for services, but I want everything done "above board" in regards to working in the country. Also, the board has been aware of my position on continuing with them for about 6 months, and I believe it is a little disingenuous of them to wait until my contract expires to try and resolve this problem. I was told last week, "Brandy, in the world of work, sometimes this happens," by a board member. Maybe in Trinidad, but it is not the way to do business properly, and it is not a way to treat a professional (they only one) that you depend upon to provide services to the population.
I received a copy of the contract on Monday, but there are some changes that need to be made. There are many things they have left out, and I don't want any holes. I have legal counsel here, and I like the proposed changes they have suggested. I will be returning my revised draft by next week.
Meanwhile, I am trying to enjoy my time off, but it's very stressful not knowing what's gonna happen, and I'm not able to make any money while I'm not working, so I'm not able to do too much on my time off.
BTW, I am negotiating a 2-year contract so, if I want to renew/renegotiate, I won't have to do this process again for at least 1 1/2 years.

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