30 July 2008

Patient's [patience] Stories

I told one woman, "we're going to start the hearing test now," and she responded, "The urine test?" She seemed like she would have consented to anything.

Another woman asked, when learning where I was from, "Why are people from Boston so snobby?" I had to explain to her that it's not that we're snobs, but that we have a different way of relating to people, and that it's just how we are. I was certainly offended at first, as any New Englander would be when asked to defend your personality, but I had to remind myself that it's been hard for me to adjust to being touched by all of my patients and been told, "God bless you," by most of them mostly due to my "Snobby" New England upbringing.


Unknown said...

It is even stranger because we from New Hampsha do not like being mistaken for Massholes!

Unknown said...

Brandy, I think Maya should be on your blog. She is beautiful and you need to invite her to your island in the sun.