07 August 2008


There are so many things that Trinidadians, or Trinbagonians say that takes a bit of time to get used to, but I can never think of them when I'm ready to write about them.
"Again"--anymore. "You were so late coming to the party, I didn't think you were coming again."
"Short pants"--shorts
"Ears"--one or two ears, it doesn't matter. Like, "I'm hearing better in my right ears."
"Van"--pick-up truck
Luckily, there really are no vans here, and VERY LUCKILY, there are no minivans!!! That has been a wonderful thing here. However, they have the same stereotype here that women can't drive. It's funny, though, because all the motor vehicle deaths are from male drivers.

One thing that has been really strange is the cultural "acceptance" of infidelity. It is very obvious in the vocabulary they use to describe this, and it is very different to the American way of describing cheating, all using negative words. Here are a few:
Horner man/woman--the man or woman you are cheating with
Horned--to get cheated on
Outside man/woman--ditto

One day, while stuck in traffic in my car (surprise!), a man, who was sitting in the back of a truck with a group of men, asked, "are you married?" I replied, as always here, "yes," and he asked, "do you need an outside man?" I said, "No, thanks." The whole concept of cheating is kinda like that...it's almost expected and accepted. I say, "No, thanks."


Dan Pouliot said...

Just dropping you a line to let you know that I'm an avid reader of your blog. It's all very interesting to me, I'm so glad you're blogging this stuff!

Take care,
Dan P.

Brandy said...

Thanks! Glad you could be here in spirit, at least. I'll try and be better at blogging!