06 August 2007

OK, So I'm alive

So much to say...
I've been here almost a month now, and just got internet today. Hooray!
I love it here.
For the first week here I didn't have water--they were repairing some pipes in the West, and we received water trucked in daily from WASA (water and sewerage assoc.), but that went quick for the 15 or so apartments in this compound.
Experienced my first earthquake in the first week.
Began driving on the wrong side of the road. I'm (and the car is) still in one piece! I am staying safely to the area I know to and from work (with a mall, grocery and pharmacy stores in between).
I don't have any good pictures of my apartment, so will take some soon and post them.

1 comment:

Barry and Bobbi said...

Sounds like you are having a great time and experience. They are so lucky to have you. Barry and I look forward to coming to visit. Keep up the good work.