27 August 2007

Strange things I've eaten...vegetarians may not want to read on

Cow skins--Ya, they were as gross as they sound, and slimy, and in a broth. I agreed to "try" it at a creole place across from the clinic (after having some TGIF beers), and he brought me 8! I had 1 1/2, and a coworker gobbled the rest up! Gizzards--they were jerked. I don't even know what a gizzard is! I just looked it up and knew they were gross, but didn't know how gross. It was okay, but that was because of the seasoning. Starfruit (called 5-fingers here) soaked in water, salt, Shado Beni (AKA Mexican coriander, a leafy, spicy herb), and garlic. It's called "chow" and they make it with mango and pineapple, too. Saltfish--Just had saltfish accra, which are small breaded and fried chunks...very good! A coworker today told me that curried iguana is good, and he and another coworker caught a big one and ate it. I said I'd try it another time. Bake and Shark--A bake is a biscuit, as large as the palm of your hand to a whole fist. It's hollow in the middle, and you put whatever you want inside. Bake and shark is with fried shark pieces. It's sooo good.


Unknown said...

cow skins eh? Did it taste like leather?

Brandy said...

Nina, you're hilarious! But it was the texture of phlegm. Ick! I don't want to think of it anymore!

amber said...

I have been told by one of my clients that when I go to Trinidad I MUST try Bake & Shark so I'm glad to hear you liked it. And she told me to try preserved mangos too. I think I'll pass on the cow skins & gizzards however!