27 August 2007

Trini sayings

"One time;" immidiately, now. As in, "if I win the lotto, I'll quit my job one time."
"Just now;" soon. As in, "you can use her computer just now." (Very confusing)
"Walk with;" carry. As in, "are you walking with your i.d.?"
"Bathe;" swim.
"Easy;" quiet. As in, "he says the tv is easy, but it's too loud for me."
"Vex;" angry.
"Please God;" as in, "Please God, I'll see you tomorrow." At first, I was flattered that someone would pray to God to see me again, but it's a very common phrase, kinda like "I hope."
"Giddiness;" dizziness. I will first ask about dizziness, and if they look puzzled, will inquire about giddiness. I feel like I'm speaking with a girl from junior high, but they know what I'm talking about.


Anonymous said...

Wow- try using all of those sayings in one sentence. Like: "Please God, I will eat cow skins in Trinidad just now".

Brandy said...

Don't get giddy!