12 August 2007

Saturday; getting better

I had no power all day on Saturday, so read a Mad Magazine (don't ask, it was all I could find at the grocery store that I would actually read), and got my hair cut at the mall. I met a very nice neighbor in the building, an older Canadian woman, who has lived here for almost 20 years (16 in this building).
The power lines have fallen on a neighbor's water tanks

Then, I traveled north to Santa Cruz, into the mountains via a treacherous, hair-pin-curve-laden, very narrow road with Simon and his wife, Maylene (with whom I went to Chacachacare) to celebrate the birthday of his neice. They have a wonderful, welcoming family, and May's sister has two young boys, one adopted, the other they take on weekends and other days from the home that we went with to the island. Andre is 8 and Romeo is 5, and they were fun to play with. I spent more time making domino snakes and giving "jockey-back" rides than liming with the adults. The food was delicious...homemade bake (a biscuit that is hollow in the middle) filled with codfish and smoked herring, melongene (eggplant, baked, scooped out, and mashed up into baby-food consistency with garlic), tomatoes, and "five fingers" (starfruit soaked for hours in salt, garlic, pepper, and some Indian herb). I also received the American version of "Happy Birthday," which was probably the best I've ever heard it sung: With people singing harmonies and holding glorious notes out to the heavens (sorry, mom). The Trinidadian "Happy Birthday" sounds somewhat like a funeral dirge, but is entertaining nonetheless.

Me and Andre

Me and Romeo

Oh, and I had power when I got home. If mother nature can read this, ENOUGH, ALREADY!

1 comment:

Jamdrewkids said...

You're such a kid!! Cute pictures.